WARNING: This question concerns my NSFW animations. Please skip it, if you're not interested!
Money is going to look bad for me in 2020 and I need to find a solution.
Without telling you what I'd choose, please participate in the poll below:
1) charge more for commissions: I'm really underselling my animations and would need to raise the base price for
them significantly (right now it's 240$ and I'd need to raise it above 300$). If done right, a loop with some minor
alterations usually takes two weeks with over 120 work hours.
Less people would be able to afford it, but you'd get what you really want to see.
2) start a patreon: I noticed that a lot of people want not only loops, but transitions and sequences.
Patreon could provide the money necessary for me to do those properly and turn them into 'scenes' or maybe even short films with sound.
I'd collect suggestions, make 4 sketches for the best ones and then let you vote on them.
Thank you for your time. I'll leave the poll up until the end of August and then add the results to this post
or in a reply.
-Chris (CASch)
364 total votes
85% Patreon
15% higher commission prices
Thanks for all the votes and nice comments :3
Patreon obviously took the lead, but there's still quite some people that would like their own stuff commissioned.
I would have gone for comms - I like doing them, but it's really not a good source of income (especially for animations), so It's most likely going to be Patreon in the beginning of 2020 if nothing else comes around. Also commission prices will be slightly increased.
Thanks again and see you with an update on that next year!
7th March EDIT:
Commission prices are slightly increased. Still no Patreon, but I'm working on promotional material when I find time.
I started a twitter, for people that want more info on what I'm working on: https://twitter.com/caschcomm
Well I think you can use both approaches with a wide-range patreon ranks.